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NAME Ridley oen VuallNICKNAMES Rid, Faust, Vuall, "The Bloody Vanguard", "The Sugar Addicted Soldier of Fortune", "Rakshasa", "Esperanto"RACE Raen Au Ra / GarleanAGE 25AETHER Wind-aspectedNAMEDAY ??? (Found 12th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon)BIRTHPLACE ??? The BurnRESIDENCE The Goblet, Ul'dahORIENTATION Figuring it out, MonogamousMARITAL STATUS SingleOCCUPATION Bodyguard, SellswordSKILLS Swordsmanship, Hand to Hand Combat, BakingINVENTORY Lightweight, only holding his most essential belongings.INTERESTS Meditation, His Red Chocobo, SWEETSDISLIKES People calling him "Gramps", Being disregarded

HEIGHT 6 fulms, 8 ilms.BUILD Lean but well-toned amber skin, free from any kind of scarring despite years of combat experience. Constant training keeps him muscular despite his eating habits.EYES Right eye is lightly scarred, with a pale stone in place of an iris. His left eye is a dull dark brown hue with his pupil missing.HAIR Blonde with black patches, swept back with a braided ponytail to keep it together. Often mistaken to be dyed when it is in fact his natural hair color.FEATURES Though he is rather polite when speaking to others, his expression is notably deadpan and might give off a hostile aura at first glance.PERSONALITY A mellow individual, and usually the one to play the Straight Man to most of his allies' antics. While he has a casual attitude towards things that don't interest him, he still demonstrates an impressive work ethic whenever he takes a job.



Ivalician Auracite - A memento Ridley has carried since his arrival in Aldenard, given to him by his first clients on the continent. Due to an incident during his time in Zadnor, the stone has imbedded itself into Ridley's right shoulder, permanently bonding itself to the Raen. From there he learned of its true nature, along with the dangers that come with using it...

Gryphonskin Eyepatch - Ridley’s signature eyepatch which he has worn for as long as he can remember. It was given to him as a present from his caretakers in Valnain under the guise of it being from Gabranth himself. Rumor has it that he never takes it off for any reason, but after his time spent in Bozja and Zadnor, he's learned to live without it.

Coffee Biscuits - Out of all the sweets he has had the pleasure of trying over the years, he always finds himself coming back to his favorite coffee biscuits. A special recipe taught to him during his time as a bodyguard for a wealthy Ul'dahn family, this treat has the perfect blend of coffee and chocolate. He carries a dozen of them wherever he goes, treating himself to one after a job well done.



"Let Sorrows pile upon me... I will face them all to my fullest extent and turn them into strength!"

A gunblade forged by a blacksmith of unknown origin, Credo expresses Dalmasca's desire for freedom from Garlean subjugation. The gunblade used to use auracite as a power source in contrast to aether-infused cartridges. Ever since a particular variation of auracite imbedded itself into Ridley's arm, the weapon bonded to the Raen as well. Now it has reached a new step in its evolutionary process, able to change its form to whatever weapon he needs, though he limits his pool to three in order to preserve his aether.


Physical Traits

Ridley consistently displays above-average strength and agility whenever he is on the job. While he’ll chalk it up to the 'basic training' he received from the IVth Legion growing up, in reality, his training was anything but basic. It was a regiment used to mold the perfect fighter, borderline impossible for the average soldier, and something that pushed him to his very limits as one of the youngest imperials in the Legion.

Weapons Proficiency

"Best be careful, that man must've sold his soul to a devil to get that good with a blade..."

During his youth, Ridley had the opportunity to become familiar with various types of weapons in preparation for his enlistment, but his actual time in the Legion taught him how to use the tools of his trade efficiently. Of course, this left him with preferences, and nothing else appealed to him more than the sword. While he’s confident in his marksmanship, he’s a duelist by nature and is truly in his element when fighting up close and personal. From katana to greatswords, Ridley has worked with a wide variety of blades, but the extent of his training shines through with one weapon in particular: The gunblade.

Practitioner of a Stolen Art

To Ridley, using a gunblade comes as naturally as breathing. Those who sparred with him in the IVth Legion claim that his skill with the Garlean's signature arm was something to be feared, though if you ask him directly he'll always tell you it was standard imperial techniques that got him far. Despite not knowing all the techniques developed by the Hrothgar of northern Ilsabard, he could still switch to a gunblade that used aether cartridges without issue thanks to the skills he picked up fighting experienced gunbreakers on the battlefield.It was the blood of gunbreakers that helped him refine his art, and while he once used it for suppression and subjugation, now he uses it as a means to protect those he holds dear.

Divine Vessel

[REDACTED](Please DM to learn more!)


Childhood Many of Ridley's early years are unknown, even to him. Presumably abandoned by his parents, the earliest memory he has of his childhood is the day he was rescued from the Nagxian wilderness by Noah van Gabranth, the Legatus of the IVth Imperial Legion. He lived in an Imperial orphanage in Valnain for six years, where soldiers occupying the city quickly noticed a violent nature beneath his calm exterior. As an outlet for that violence, Gabranth would make sure the Raen underwent swordsmanship training, a skill the young boy would prove to be particularly proficient at, most notably with the likes of the gunblade.

A/N: As he continued to get older, Ridley’s admiration for Gabranth grew into a blunt idolization. His deep respect for the man would be clear with his eyepatch, which was given to him by his caretakers under the pretense that it was a gift from Gabranth himself. Though his loyalty to the IVth is not as it once was, he still wears that same eyepatch to this day.

History (Spoilers)

Peace in a Land Long DeadBorn Kazuhira Faustus, Ridley’s life began on an imperial prison camp located in The Burn a year after Garlemald’s occupation of Doma. Despite being the bastard son of an absent Garlean soldier, his mother raised him with love, using any opportunity to teach the boy of Doman tradition. Most prisoners would treat the boy normally, recognizing his mother as a skilled and respected samurai before their capture. However, this all changed when the impossible happened. The third eye, an exclusive characteristic of pure-blooded Garleans, mutated into his right eye, causing the eyeball to become a pale white stone. This mutation labeled him as a cursed child by the rest of the prisoners, driving them to the point where their ire could no longer be contained. Even the guards looked at the boy with a new disgust from that day forward.

"Hah! The Faustian whore slept with her bitter enemy thinking it would set her free! But now what is she stuck with? The hatred of her own and an abomination for a son…"

Ridley was the subject of abuse for years after that fateful day, from both guards and prisoners alike. The boy was no longer addressed as ‘Kazuhira’, for he was no longer Doman in their eyes. Instead, he was called the nickname given to him by the soldiers: Faust. His mother was no exception to the abuse either, as now recognized as a traitor, she faced the brunt of the aggression aimed at him. Being hated had become normal for the young Raen, but as long as his mother was with him he could take it.As long as his mother was there, he could live.But not even that could last…One night, Ridley witnessed a guard assaulting his mother. It wasn’t anything new to him, but he always hated it regardless. More so, he hated himself for how useless he was for merely watching in a corner as the only one he loved was beaten. At that moment all he could hear was a voice in his head drowning out his other thoughts, simply telling him to do one thing… And after a brief moment of hesitation, he finally succumbed to his desires. In an attempt to save her, Ridley took the knife from the soldier's sheath and stabbed him to death in a wild frenzy, fueled by sheer malice and bloodlust.When the dust settled, there was only one sound that broke through the silence. The quiet weeping of a child who realized that he was too late to save his mother, who he held dead in his arms. This was his first time experiencing true despair and the feeling broke him completely. But now the voice had begun to give him another command…run. This time, he obeyed without a second thought and ran away into the depths of The Burn to preserve his own life. With nothing but a knife and the clothes on his back, Ridley wandered the desert for 2 years, fending off the dangerous creatures that inhabited the land. Soon he would find himself in Nagxia, where his fateful encounter with Noah van Gabranth would occur.

A/N: This event traumatized Ridley to the point that he developed selective amnesia, unable to recall anything about his time in the Burn. As far as he's concerned, his life began in Nagxia.


Ridley Oen Vuall After extensively training to become a competent fighter, Ridley chose the surname Vuall and officially joined the IVth Imperial Legion at age 15. As he got older, he was regarded as a fearsome swordsman on the battlefield, soon enough gaining a reputation among his peers as an exemplary soldier as well. Eventually, his superiors awarded him something quite special for his service: An experimental gunblade acquired as a spoil of war from a local Dalmascan resistance faction. Ridley would use this weapon for a good chunk of his service, and despite not being able to use the manatrigger’s full capabilities, he would become a much more fearsome opponent as he continued to fight with it.

A/N: Rather than belonging to a single cohort, Ridley was passed around by all of them while he was in the IVth Legion, with the exception of the 1st. He spent most of his time on battlefields, where he served as a vanguard in skirmishes against resistance groups, as well as a hunting hound who sought out said groups.


BetrayalDuring Ridley's last year of service, he and the unit he was a part of were ambushed by Dalmascan insurgents while on patrol. Despite the unexpected attack, his unit quickly took the upper hand in the skirmish, capturing the remaining survivors for interrogation at a later date. That was the order given to him, simple apprehension of the survivors, but the Raen's decurio went back on their words quickly, killing the captives one by one. The sight was nothing new to Ridley. After all, he had seen foolish displays of strength like this many times, but he could never shake off the awful feeling of déjà vu, the emotion of pure despair that it brought him. It was at that moment something within him cracked, and he took a step forward to stop his superior, only to black out before he could do anything.That's all he remembers. That's all he can remember. The details of his desertion are shrouded in mystery and speculation, but perhaps it's better that those details remain forgotten. All that matters now is that he's a traitor, he could never go back.

History (Spoilers)

A Riot Born From BloodThe day that Ridley defected from the IVth Legion is a day the Raen will forever remember with shame. To him, the actions he committed on that day were a rejection of everything he stood for. He had betrayed the beliefs that gave his life value, the man who gave him a chance at life in the first place, and the comrades he had spent years fighting alongside. All of it was ruined in a single night when he gave into the voice and succumbed to their violent will.What proceeded this submission was an absolute bloodbath fueled by malice towards Garlemald he had been subconsciously festering for years since his childhood. He started with his decurio, then his own comrades. If any of the prisoners attempted to stop him, they wouldn’t be spared either. Any cry for mercy fell on deaf ears as he continued to stain his blade, all with a twisted smile until there was no one left… Then, he woke up. Looking at the blood that trickled down his gunblade, along with the scene of his rampage, he instantly put the dots together. No matter what standing you have in the Legion, treason will always be punished with death. Ridley knew this fact all too well. He was ready to face his punishment without resistance, but then the voice whispered to him once more. Those oh-so familiar words."Run."He listened.


Present DayAfter a tragic incident in Zadnor, Ridley finds himself back in Aldenard slowly piecing parts of his lost memory back together. He continues his work as a highly requested bodyguard and overall sellsword among the Ul'dahn elite, traveling around the world to carry out different jobs under their employment. When not working, he's also dedicated himself to hunting down certain "relics" of Ivalician fame...


"A Raen woman who’s been too kind to me despite knowing my past. She's encouraged me a few times to put the sword down and pursue baking as a profession instead, and though I haven't given it much thought, the idea still passes my mind now and then... Regardless, I treasure our friendship dearly, and it’s always good knowing I can go to her if I need to get patched up."

"A Viera I met during my early years in Eorzea, and someone I can depend on. Although I haven't seen her in quite a while, I still think of her as one of my most trusted friends to this day. Her iron stomach is truly a sight to behold, but I admire her love for the gunblade above all else. After all, it's that love that helped me gain a deeper understanding of what the weapon meant to me, even if I can't truly call myself a gunbreaker."

"My first contact from Ishgard and quite an interesting fellow to say the least. I find the man to be a living contradiction: insulting me constantly and without fail, but always managing to be the first to help me at my lowest points. Because of this, he's someone I can call a true friend... someone I can trust, through and through. Though he may not always look like it, he can hold his own and then some if he feels like he needs to fight, so one shouldn’t be so quick to underestimate him. His developing connection to the Void is something to pay attention to at all times, as well as his growing domain back in Coerthas..."


Ordered top to bottom by importance, but ideally I'd like to explore all of these hooks!


Dalmascan legend tells of Ivalician auracite, a boon gifted to mankind in times past by none other than the High Seraph, Ultima. In reality, these stones are glorified death sentences, only existing to feed on the aether of anyone who attempts to use them while twisting their form into that of monstrous creatures known as Lucavi. The power one may receive from such a transformation is intoxicating, but to gain it at the cost of warping your soul? It's simply too great a price to pay.After experiencing the horrors brought about by Lucavi firsthand, Ridley has dedicated himself to hunting down a specific variation of auracite known as zodiac stones, said to grant its user even mightier powers as a Lucavi than the stone's standard Ivalician counterpart. Maybe you've had experience with the relic? Treasure hunters may find it quite a profitable find...

One Body, Two Souls

One with exceptional aether sight may try to peer through Ridley’s overabundance of aether (Mostly focused near his right shoulder) and notice that his body is actually hosting two souls, as impossible as that may seem. Not only that, but his wind-aspected aether is subject to shift toward lightning in certain situations. Though he won’t be able to explain it, perhaps thorough examination and experimentation could give an answer to this strange phenomenon.

Days in the IVth

As far as the Garlean Empire was concerned, Ridley was only a mere duplicarius, but his reputation as an exceptionally talented soldier preceded him within the IVth Imperial Legion. Whether you were part of the Dalmascan resistance or a fellow soldier of the IVth, if you've heard of Ridley you're likely aware of his excellent ability with a blade. If you're of the Bozjan variety, you might've heard stories of a certain imperial soldier wielding an odd-looking weapon, besting all who challenged him on the battlefield.

Odd Jobs

Ridley's reputation rests in Ul'dah, where he is known as someone who can tackle a variety of jobs with equal efficiency. Although he's most popular as a bodyguard for Ul'dah's wealthiest merchants, he takes clients from all avenues without bias. He currently resides in Bar Zanzibar, an old tavern in the Goblet which used to be the headquarters of the former private security company Diamond Dogs. No matter what you want to be done, whether it's bounty hunting, killing beasts, or protection: if you have the gil (or not in most cases), he'll do it for you.

The True Endgame...Is Sweets...

All who know Ridley well enough also know that he is a shameless sugar addict who enjoys traveling the world to try out new pastries and sweets. It's quite apparent how much of an addiction he has, and if one is on good terms with him, it becomes rather easy to manipulate him with the prospect of sampling something new.

Out Of Character

If you took the time to read the whole carrd, I genuinely want to thank you as this is the first in-depth OC I've ever written. I'm generally very anxious about writing too much, so this is a prime example of me saying fuck it and putting everything out there. That being said, all the vital info on Rid can be found in the profile and history! OOC Info
- Player is 21+, and I require those who rp with me are 18+. No exceptions.
- I'm willing to try anything new for the sake of first times, so if you have ideas for possible interactions besides the hooks listed tell me!- Can RP both In-Game and on Discord! (Not quite the fan of Discord RP as I used to be, but again, exceptions can be made as long as the intro is in-game.)- I like lore-bending to a degree (Ridley himself is lorebendy after all) but don't really like RPing with blatant lore-breaking characters.- While I don't mind Slice of Life RP, I do want some foreseeable direction with interactions if the intention isn't for them to be one-offs.Discord: Noisey#6613, Please don't be afraid to reach out!

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